January 15, 2024


Now all glory to God, who is able,
through his mighty power at work
within us, to accomplish infinitely
more than we might ask or think.
(Ephesians 3:20, NLT)

Every year our church starts out the year with 21 days of prayer and fasting (not necessarily from food). This year we've been learning how to pray through the Psalms, and every morning at 7:00 AM, there's been an interactive devotional on Facebook led by one of the pastors. Although a replay is available for later, it is only actually interactive for those who watch live, so I've been getting up much earlier than normal.

At first it was really hard because I'm not an early riser, and also because it doubles, and sometimes even triples my usual morning quiet time, getting the rest of my day off to a very late start. As a result, instead of trying to be in control of my day my way, I've had to trust the Lord to enable me to get everything done I need to do in much less time than I normally have to do it in and that never seems to be enough either.

Amazingly, as I relinquish my day to Him, trust Him to order my steps and orchestrate my time, and am obedient to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, I've been able to accomplish a lot more and with a lot less stress. I feel myself drawing closer to Him than I have in a long while and never realized how much I've missed it.

Today was almost like a throwback to something that happened many years ago (documented here) when the Lord revealed to me that even though He is invisible, He could still teach me how to do anything I thought I needed a human person for, and do it even better.

For weeks I've been struggling with a book cover template that I couldn't figure out how to get to do what I needed. My daughter tried to help me, but she couldn't figure it out either, and I had already exhausted all other sources I thought could show me how to get it to work. Finally, I decided to start over from scratch, but that didn't work either, despite all my prayers.

Then, suddenly, when I was about to give up, ideas started to flow, and step by improvised step, the Holy Spirit led me through a complex way of getting around it that I most definitely could never have come up with on my own. 

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Hi Sandra. What came into my mind as I read this post was 'Many are the plans of a man's mind, but the Lord directs his path.'