November 24, 2016


"When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, 
the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,
what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son
of man that you care for him?"
(Psalm 8:3-4)

This collage doesn't really have anything to do with anything, except that it's one of my favorites. There is something about it that fills me with both awe and gratitude. Awe of the beauty of God's creation, and gratitude for the eyes that enable me to behold it, the digital camera that allows me to capture the moment, and the software on my computer that helps me process it.

 My first IT job--long before the term IT even existed to describe it--had me working, standing up, on a huge IBM 360/20 computer that took up almost a whole cubicle. I loved my job, and wished they made computers small enough so I could have one at home. Never did I dream that a day would come when computers the size of a tablet or smartphone would fit in your pocket. Who would have thought?

The pictures in this collage were taken from my balcony, which has an amazing view. It's the spot from which I have taken many pictures of the changing seasons, as well as the spot from which I watched a nestful of baby ravens living atop the local water tower learn how to fly. Observing them play and learn together inspired me to turn my pictures into a book, and thus, in my senior years, I embarked on a new career as a writer of nature related picture books for children. Who would have thought?

On this Thanksgiving day, as I reflect on my many blessings, a couple of other "who would have thoughts," for which I am truly grateful, come to mind. I remember how as a suddenly single mom of a seven-year-old and a nine-year-old, I was struck with fear that I might not live long enough to see them grow up. That fear never came to pass, and the Lord has blessed me with seven grandchildren and three great-grands. Who would have thought?

After the death of my husband, I dabbled in many things as I searched for roots and purpose. I  believed I had found them in the New Age and occult doctrines I embraced. But then came a day when my eyes were opened and I discovered I had been sincerely wrong.  Turning my life over to Jesus when I was on a path I was convinced was the right one, and at a time when I was no longer seeking answers, was the biggest "who would have thought" of them all.

If you are interested, you can read the short version of my improbable journey that is posted on this blog by clicking here, or you can download a free copy of my book, Sincerely Wrong, by double clicking on the cover of it on the sidebar.

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