August 23, 2023


So let's not get tired of doing what is good. 
At just the right time we will reap a harvest
of blessing if we don't give up. -- Galatians
6:9, NLT

Was feeling so weary and discouraged today. 

For a little while I had felt hope when I discovered I could walk with a walker without pain, and then again when I had an appointment with a new physical therapist who seemed to really help and felt strongly that I had not reached a plateau yet. But then the next couple of walks were painful, and the therapist's schedule is so booked up that the only appointments I was able to get were few and far between. 

In the middle of my pity party, my thoughts of doom and gloom were interrupted by an urge to watch Sunday's Brooklyn Tabernacle livestream that I had not had a chance to watch on Sunday. 

Usually by the next day the praise and worship segment is gone, and only the message is archived, but today (two days later), it was still there, and I felt as though the worship leader was speaking directly to me as she introduced the chorus, "Stronger." 

Her words: "Whatever you are facing today, Jesus is stronger. Rest in Him. Know that He is fighting on your behalf. He is with you. He will strengthen you and give you everything you need to walk in victory,"

That was a reminder and exhortation that I really needed to hear.

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