September 12, 2023


The LORD says, I will guide you along the
best pathway for your life. I will advise you
and watch over you. -- Psalm 32:8, NLT

Slowly, slowly, God has been revealing idols in my life I didn't even realize were idols, and how I have been relying on them instead of on Him and trying to micromanage outcomes that only He has control over. One by one, He has been stripping them away and redirecting my focus to where it needs to be. 

One major area has been work. Even though He has always provided for my needs and I've never been lacking, I exhaust myself working insane hours to try and get out of a financial pit He has allowed to get even deeper just to drive home the point that my efforts will never be enough. Yes, He expects me to do my best, but then leave the outcome to Him, knowing that He is the ultimate source of my supply. 

I have made idols of doctors and phlebotomists and now the new physical therapist who is doing wonders, but who is so booked up I spend a lot of time on his wait list waiting for cancellations. Again, instead  of trusting the outcome to the Lord who is the ultimate healer, I've been stressing about not being able to get enough appointments and the gaps between them being too long, when the fact is that  the Lord knows exactly how many appointments I need and when, and is quite capable of opening one up when He feels I need it, and without any help from me trying to manipulate things to fit what I think is best. 
It is so much more relaxing to relinquish control and rest in the knowledge that God's ways are better than my ways. I may not understand what He is doing at any given point or why, but I can trust that He is always in control and He sees the whole picture, the end from the beginning, whereas my view is limited to just one small piece of it. 

Things may not work out the way I want them to or expect they should, but of one thing I am sure. His plan is always the better plan and I might miss out on it if I try to hold too tightly to what I think is best and get in His way.