March 6, 2025


So let's not get tired of 
doing what is good. At 
just the right time we 
will reap a harvest of 
blessing if we don't 
give up. 
(Galatians 6:9, NLT) 

Yesterday was a last drop in the bucket kind of day. Nothing was working out the way I had planned.

I had a small to-do list that seemed very doable when I wrote it, but not one thing on it actually got completed due to a project I was working on that looked like I could easily finish after church on Sunday, but I was wrong. It took all day Monday and Tuesday as well, and it's still not done.

This morning during my quiet time, I vented all my frustrations in a Dear God letter. I listed all the things I've been wanting to do and that didn't get done. Some of them were things I've been trying to do for quite some time. Some were resolutions I'd made and prayed for the Holy Spirit to help me follow through with because I knew I wouldn't be able to do it in my own strength, but the help hadn't come. 

I ended my letter with the words "I GIVE UP!!!!!" 

The answer I gleaned from today's devotion in my Streams In The Desert devotional was to hang on just a little bit longer, which is also the message of this song. 

But back to the devotion. It contained the passage from Galatians quoted at the top of my post, as well as a reminder that, "It is when heaven's heights are in full view that the gates of hell are the most persistent and full of deadly peril."

"The greatest challenge in receiving great things from God is holding on for the last half hour."

1 comment:

Sandi said...

For some reason "the last half hour" made me smile big. Hang on!